
“ Most of all, I wish that tourists and Czechs can taste genuine Georgian cuisine,

which was passed on to me through the blood of my father.”

„If you want to know a man, sit down with him at the table!“-Georgian proverb
Takto zní jedno z gruzínských přísloví. Je jasné, že pokud chcete ochutnat dobrou gruzínskou kuchyni, nejlepší bude zavítat do hlavního města Gruzie Tbilisi. Jestliže tam nemáte zrovna cestu, nevadí. Kousek od Staroměstského náměstímáme pro vás Gruzie Restaurant, kde pokrmy pro vás s láskoupřipravuje kuchař tělem i duší narozený přímo v Tbilisi.

V krvi kuchaře Laša Gabeskelianiho, který vaří pro naši restauraci, koluje pravá gruzínská krev. Dnes už 29 letý muž se narodil právě v Tbilisi.
It is clear, that if you want to taste great Georgian cuisine, the best will be to visit the capital of Georgia, Tbilisi. But, if you’re not planning a trip there, don’t worry. Within a short walk from Old Town Square, there is a Georgian Restaurant, where a Tbilisi-born chef will prepare incredible food for you right from his heart. 

Our chef, Lasha Gabeskeliani, has true Georgian blood. He was born in Tbilisi 29 years ago. As a child, he often wandered into the kitchen where his father, a well-known chef, was cooking. "I've been watching my dad since I was a kid. I was fascinated by how he cooked and I liked it," Lasha reveals when he first fell in love with cooking. As time went by, the kitchen and the preparation of food attracted him more and more. One day, he couldn’t help it, and he had to give space to his ideas, which started to materialize in the kitchen. Lasha recalls his first culinary experience: "I went to the seventh grade, when I first cooked Lobio and homemade bread. No one helped me."
He invited his friends over to taste his dish. "They told me that I made it so tasty that even their mum didn’t cook it that well," he adds with a smile. It was then that the idea to become a chef arose.”

Our grandmothers already knew that a meal prepared with love is spiced with love and tastes the best. What to say at the end? Perhaps only: "Enjoy the meal, Genacvale!"
"One year had passed and I was invited to Prague," explains how he came to the Czech Republic. The beauty of the capital had enchanted him many years ago. In addition, respectable and nice people invited him over. It did not take long before Lasha settled into Prague.

The city of a thousand spires, where tourists gather from every corner of the world, welcomed him with open arms. What else could you wish for? Lasha has only one wish: "Most of all, I wish that all tourists and Czechs taste the real Georgian cuisine that was passed on to me through my father's blood."

Gruzie restaurant
Bílkova 861/14, Praha 1
Czech Republic

Call us: +420702196149

Bravoinvest pro s.r.o.
Rašínovo nábřeží 44/2
128 00 Praha 2
IČ: 02146878
Sun-Thu 12:00 - 23:00
Fri- Sat 12:00 - 00:00

Sun-Thu 12:00 - 21:30
Fri-Sat 12:00 - 22:30

Live Music:
Wed-Sun 18:00-22:00

Dance Performance
Fri-Sat 20:00 - 21:00


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